Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Fix] AppleCor 5.50
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This fix was done by pusupu. He has fixed the video player, removed the 13-27 and fixed the 1-12. He has also added the CTF download module.

[Image: XXaq7HmNpd.jpg]
so fast!! Adore


I add original version too.
Sweet...Thank you.
by the way: Who made the theme ? You Joomla ? o.O

Its awesome either way.
iCon^ Wrote:Sweet...Thank you.
by the way: Who made the theme ? You Joomla ? o.O

Its awesome either way.

SkyFox was the original creator back on 3.51 firmware!!
I thought it was on 3.40 OE. Meh...Either way it's a good theme.
Joomla12 Wrote:I thought it was on 3.40 OE. Meh...Either way it's a good theme.

yeah your probably right...either way it was a loooooong time ago
It's a legacy theme like Organ. It's been released almost all CFWs.
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