Endless Paradigm

Full Version: so... Anyone want to share Fat Princess?
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i don't know how to prove it, i can't take screenshots on my ps3.
someone else who owns a ps3 can confirm it
Funnybutrandom Wrote:proof or get the fudge out
why would they condone someone sharing out a game to 5 people who could buy it? that's like albums having "share this around" printed on them
i don't know, sony move in mysterious ways
Funnybutrandom Wrote:why would they condone someone sharing out a game to 5 people who could buy it? that's like albums having "share this around" printed on them

Senseito7 Wrote:
Funnybutrandom Wrote:why would they condone someone sharing out a game to 5 people who could buy it? that's like albums having "share this around" printed on them


good album, that
They don't endorse it as such, it more like an "if you go round to your mates house, you can download it on his console, and wee won't lock you out" kind of thing

Game sharing is not officially allowed by Sony, but its not illegal either, since its not breaching copyright as far as im aware, and its not using cicuitous means to get around the rules either

However, i don't have the game, so can't share it
ProperBritish Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:
Funnybutrandom Wrote:why would they condone someone sharing out a game to 5 people who could buy it? that's like albums having "share this around" printed on them


good album, that

that it is :)
I heard lots of good stuff about this game... guess I have to buy a PSN card after all....
The thing is they allow 5 ps3 to download the game for people who have spoiled kids and each kid has their own ps3.  I don't think it was intended to allow for friends to share games.
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