Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A real Vocaloid O.O
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all she needs now is a hatsune miku get-up and you have the ultimate otaku possession. she runs on the actual vocaloid software.

Update: And here she is, dressed up as Miku herself! Who'da thunk it.

[Image: 51702__468x_hrp-4c-miku-cosplay-robot.jpg]

Source: YouTube

Singing the song called 'Melt'

Source: Sankaku Complex
Wee need English implementation for Vocaloid v3, loooooooots more artifical skin (lol) and lots more hair desu Flatterd

And clothes :/

But yeah, awesome stuff. Progress.. Progress!
I'll buy 1 noaws! furr 1 milwion EP!!
no, just no =.=
Heartless141 Wrote:no, just no =.=

ya really
I want a robot girlfriend with A.I !
probably better than the ones in real life.......
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