Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Dark_Alex Woking On New PSP Mod Chip Flasher
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QJ.net Wrote:Not exactly an announcement to a new homebrew, but a teaser to a possible one in the works. In case the guys here are wondering what PSP custom firmware (and homebrew) guru Dark_AleX has been up to, wee've picked up a report that he's currently developing a new flasher for the PSP's Undiluted Platinum (UP) and Devolution modchips.

And while the venerable UP has been the subject of many a tweak since its arrival, it still remains to be seen how the to-be-released Devolution will fare come its stint in the unpredictable world of homebrews and hacks. Stay alert in case wee pick up more details on this latest project - and hopefully a confirmation.

- Source: [QJ.net]
Double post
I wish dax was working on OE :( I would love to see more updates!

But still Gooo DAX  :great:
Cool, but wee need more OE updates.
indeed, im should there could be other bug he could work on.. idk still good to see him working hard
this is good for me =)
ive got no use for this.
I don't think Dark_Alex is really working on something like that.

There is no source for that article either.
It was originally posted by Zeus on the MC forums, apparently they contacted him to see what he is up to.


Notice how it says that the new flashers are only "some of the stuff" that people can look forward too.
yeah i don't have a mod chip either, so i really have nothing to do with this...
I don't have a mod chip. I want him to update the popsloader.
undoubtedly he's working on optimizations to the OE firmware, but he has a taste for timing his releases. he's going to wait for a reason to release some new feature, i would think, like sony releasing their new firmware, or whatever else his reason would be, like a major step forward.
it's not on par for him to make a 3.40 OE A, B, C, D... i know he did it for 3.03 OE, but didn't that one need updates?
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