Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Apple trying to sue anything resembling an apple
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...Seriously, Apple, what the heck?

If you didn't want people copying off your logo, maybe it'd be best if you had a logo (or a company name for that matter) that wasn't, say...FRUIT? Seriously, how paranoid are you guys?
ChrisHighwind Wrote:...Seriously, Apple, what the heck?

If you didn't want people copying off your logo, maybe it'd be best if you had a logo (or a company name for that matter) that wasn't, say...FRUIT? Seriously, how paranoid are you guys?

Look Out!

Shut it, Sensei, I'm not in the mood for the bricks.
ChrisHighwind Wrote:Shut it, Sensei, I'm not in the mood for the bricks.

ChrisHighwind Wrote:Shut it, Sensei, I'm not in the mood for the bricks.

[Image: chill_pill.jpg]
I just don't want the brick thing to be something to make fun of me about.

And I can't tell the difference between joking and making fun of me over the Internet <<"

dot dot dot

I'm going to Africa.

Yes Ma'am, I'm a brick.
bricky bricky brick brick
ChrisHighwind Wrote:I just don't want the brick thing to be something to make fun of me about.

And I can't tell the difference between joking and making fun of me over the Internet <<"


dude its all in good fun - but wee're not making fun OUT of you.. or at least I wasn't...

you starting bricking yourself - so wee started bricking you....
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