Endless Paradigm

Full Version: just watched district 9
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anyone else seen this movie?Madwin
yeah ive already watched it in cinemas last month, and its a hell yeah good

also ive got a copy of it over torrents, lol
yeah, found mine on MU(idk how fast they normally are, but on my aircard torrents actually give me remaining times of days or months lol)
Focking crowazy movie! Joost focking crowazy!
but district 9 is best to watch in cinemas, sounds are really cool, mostly at the last part of the film
im still yet to see it, looks fudgeing epic though and ive heard nothing but good about it.
if i remember, it almost get to 100% overall rotten tomato review rating, until someone review it poor, so i think the review went down to 90% i think

and yeah read reviews about it, most of them favored over this film
i love this movie
i saw it in the theatre once

i liekd it :D
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