Senseito7 Wrote:Google finds this:
That's how to play movies through your xbox connected to your PC. If anyone knows how to put it into your xbox360 hard drive please say so.
Senseito7 Wrote:And please refrain from openly talking about piracy.. lol.
Heh sorry

He could back up his own games. . .
There's no way to move them to your HDD, but you can run videos off any USB device or over a network. Flashing your 360's DVD drive can be confusing as hell at first, and dangerous if you don't have the slightest idea as to what you're doing. But you could possibly find someone local from places like craigslist that will flash it for a small fee.
If you do flash your 360, make sure any legal backups that you definitly own and are not stealing are "stealth patched" and check out okay with
Thanks for the info XanderChaos.
Also, if i did do this and it gets a red ring somewhere in the future, would i still be able to send it to microsoft to get a refurbished one like everyone else?
Well, there's a warranty sticker that prevents you from opening the 360. If you're careful, you can take it off and back on without it appearing to have been opened. Removing the sticker voids the warranty.
Here's an in depth guide from
XanderChaos Wrote:Well, there's a warranty sticker that prevents you from opening the 360. If you're careful, you can take it off and back on without it appearing to have been opened. Removing the sticker voids the warranty.
Lol haha I got to be real slick then. Thanks for the info.
Use a hair dryer to take off the sticker.
Xitherun Wrote:Use a hair dryer to take off the sticker.
How would that work?
it melts the adhesive so you can remove it without breaking the seal