driver 76 ????
more please
Tekken Dark Resurection, Prince of Persia Revelations, Ridge Racer 2, GTA LCS...
driver 76 any good ?
some sae it sucks to the core
lolz.. im currently got no PSP games to play too.. only playing test drive now and then....
Untold legends the warrior's code.
is that the extra violent rpg game??
Tis not THAT violent. I love it cause it has online PVP and co-op. :)
mmzzz... back to anime viewing lolz... i might start a thread the things i recently watched and put the ratings i give it ≥3
and anyone know if the new final fantasy games for PSP is japanese only?
i heard something like that... so far the first remakes for star ocean (1 and 2) are only japan so far.
try wikipedia for more info on that.
Ultimate Ghosts'N Goblins rocks and W.T.F is pretty funny :)