trademark91 Wrote:looool
lol? that's it? something to go off to spark up this argument again.
Kiwi for the win
trademark91 Wrote:kiwi for the not-fly
come say that to the kiwis face anytime, your the one whos gonna get pwnd
i would just like to point out, any country whos national icon is a bird that can't fly, is not allowed to have an air force
yea well lets see a eagle 'borrow' popcorn.
a popcorn stealing flightless bird...
im so scared
You should be betch...You'll be there eating some Orville Redenbocker and then "bam!".... "double you tee eff is mah fudgein bukit'o'crons??"
and then realize that the kiwi can only eat food that's on the ground already, and feel sorry for the sad, failure bird
I suppose that's fair. But then, our national icon isn't middle aged... Mr. Bald-eagle supporters.