Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 5.50 Gen-B original flash0
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Hi everyone,

can anyone offer me the full original set of files in flash0 from 5.50 Gen-B? or point me in the direction of where i can find it? when i flashed my last custome theme i completely forgot to backup flash0!

please help if you can.
that will brick your psp.  All files are sigchecked per psp unless they are decrypted and decompressed, but you won't have enough flash space for all of those :(

download http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18925 and it will reinstall 5.50genb for you :)
thanks schmilk!
Just remember, you've been warned.

Just use CXMB, way safer.
thanks for the concern brady. I'm usually a madman about keeping backups but it's been a really long time since I've customized.

on another note, I've found customization has gotten a lot harder than it used to be. the last time i customized was on 3.71 and it was way easier back then. now even making a working opening logo is hard, nevermind making working coldboot sounds.
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