Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New PC advice please
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Pages: 1 2
My bad :p

Some good shops in your (our :) ) area would be MSY.com.au (chocolatety service but cheap prices) and 9289.com.au (very GOOD service, good prices only a little higher then MSY).

Happy shopping :D
Hmm, I can't see that Intel build costing more than AU$900 doing a quick Umart match up.  ITestate really that much more expensive?
Moved to Computer Confab. There's no reason this should be on the front page. This is not news in any form.
this gets me wondered double you tee eff do people come to EP for?  asking random spoon, which they can get possibly much better answers somewhere else.

I think PC2 has the same configuration which I am using right now.It is working just amazing.

I think you should go for PC 2.
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