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Full Version: PRXdecrypter 2.25 (6.00 EBOOT.BIN keys)
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I have all of them decompressed except opening_plugin.rco. If that's left in the RCO folder, it'll error then skip the rest and then crash the PSP
strange, what's' wrong with my config... i cannot decompress most of them~
Would someone be able to post the original (compressed) opening_plugin.rco?
(yeah, me too lazy to set up everything right now >_<)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Would someone be able to post the original (compressed) opening_plugin.rco?
(yeah, me too lazy to set up everything right now >_<)

Lol, sorry and thanks.
Though seems like PRXDecrypter isn't giving RLZ on 5.50GEN so I'm going to have to fiddle with firmwares anyway >_>  May as well get a full flash0 dump.  Thanks again though.

EDIT: okay... can't find a USB flash0 mounting option in nandTool, only mounting MS.  The ELF menu doesn't work either T_T.
EDIT2: okay ELF menu v0.4 works - nicely hard to find though, lol.

EDIT3: in regards to opening_plugin.rco, seems that it now has text data, (just the text "Loading...") however for some languages, it's not compressed.  PRX Decrypter fails to decompress as it isn't RLZ data - perhaps that's why Z33's tool is failing.
sweeet :D always nice to wake up to something new!!
A bit off-topic, but for the opening_plugin.rco, it's a little weird - some languages don't appear to be compressed, but I can't really figure out what it is exactly.
Here's a manually decompressed opening_plugin.rco (I'm never going to do this again - such a pain to do >_<) but the text from the following languages is "wrong": German, Russian, Korean, Chinese (both simplified and traditional).
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:A bit off-topic, but for the opening_plugin.rco, it's a little weird - some languages don't appear to be compressed, but I can't really figure out what it is exactly.
Here's a manually decompressed opening_plugin.rco (I'm never going to do this again - such a pain to do >_<) but the text from the following languages is "wrong": German, Russian, Korean, Chinese (both simplified and traditional).

a little tweaking with rcomage and a 5.50 rco can fix that ;)
5.50 opening_plugin.rco didn't have any text data - it was added in 6.00.
It's just a single text entry "Loading..." so, eh, someone could translate it.  I'm still wondering how it's encoded though.
You guys are always so quick at the helm. I admire your talents
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