Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Takka's Eboot Exchange v1.0
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Hello, Takka has released this new tool on his website. Original post
Here is the translated version . Google Translation

Thought some of you might want to have a look at it. Try
This tool looks good, but your thread does not..

Basically what I think happens.
1. Rip UMD to ISO
2. Start Eboot Exhange
3. Select Ripped Iso
4. Eboot is decrypted and ready to go.
Cool tool.  It's going on my memory stick   Madwin
I'm sorry Schmilk, I will except my punishment/shame. Emptyone

Please tell me of my erroneous ways. So I can better myself for this forum.
Sweet, gonna try this out
So basically this automates Yoshi's program?
Takka should give credit where credit is due.   He is probably the one Yoshi was talking about in the Decrypter V2...

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