Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.00 END! PSP GO!
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so is this a cfw or an OFW? because i doubt that sony would put the word END after their firmware...
just saying, this video is about as convincing as all the other fake release videos...
OK, I can say I think this is a fake.   My reason is:

In 6.00, SONY animated the battery, and the battery is not animated in the video.   This is an obvious spoof.

Also, as long as the is some incarnation of PSP being sold by SONY, they will never "end" firmwares    :p
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:OK, I can say I think this is a fake.   My reason is:

In 6.00, SONY animated the battery, and the battery is not animated in the video.   This is an obvious spoof.

Also, as long as the is some incarnation of PSP being sold by SONY, they will never "end" firmwares    :p

It's not being charged :P
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:OK, I can say I think this is a fake.   My reason is:

In 6.00, SONY animated the battery, and the battery is not animated in the video.   This is an obvious spoof.

Also, as long as the is some incarnation of PSP being sold by SONY, they will never "end" firmwares    :p

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