when you are listening to a large library on random, (say 8gb), the songs aren't random, theyre not in order, but its just a new order of songs, incorporating all albums and artists. i don't really mind, i just thought it was interesting. the same thing happens in Lightmp3. i can tell which song is going to play next, even thought its on random. don't really care about fixing it, i don't mind i at all. just wondering, did you notice it?
lol, thanks for the in depth response

actually I think its the same for all "Random" or "Shuffles".
i know. but it felt weird the first few times that As I Lay Dying played immediately after The Devil Wears Prada
not entirely sure, but I think its very hard for a computer to be truly random
So it will order your songs in a semmingly random order and then stick to that order every time you play the songs? The "random" is the same each time? Would make sense...
Mc Cabe Wrote:not entirely sure, but I think its very hard for a computer to be truly random
Makes sense. I mean, how exactly would a computer come up with a "random" number? Take what's in a certain memory location and manipulate it in some way, hoping that what is in that memory location is different each time? If you knew what was in that memory location you could in theory predict the "random" number...