Endless Paradigm

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[Image: dogonsteroids123.jpg]

down boy... now that's a freaking guard dog
i bet he gets all the hot dogs

Thread moved to the backyard.
Now it's the guard dog of EP's house!!
dear lord. that's a scary sight
that's just a jerk pumping steroids in the dog LOL

..this is a real breed!  Caucasian Mountain Shephard
A lady at work told me about them yesterday and this thread reminded me to find them..
And all I can say is WHAT THE!!?!?!!?!!

[Image: CUCASIAN.jpg]

The most pack protective dog of all breeds, and weighs over 160 pounds.  Usually will not allow strangers any where near the family, they won't listen to family kids, but they won't hurt them either, they are just the most alpha dog and have been used for protection for all of eternity!  or smoething like that...

[Image: maddog_1.jpg]

[Image: maddog_2.jpg]

Here's a better size comparison...his head is as big as that kids torso!
[Image: teddy-2.jpg]
That dog stares at me like WeeGee!
that dog kinda looks like it took the potion from Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde
[Image: dogonsteroids123.jpg]
[Image: Weegee.png]
lol.... Wonder what happens if that dog is infected by the T-Virus.
^lol i would beg for dear life
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