Endless Paradigm

Full Version: my computer is clicking at me
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i don't know why. could i be hearing the hdd spin and hitting something?
If your HDD is clicking...

You really should consider backing everything up, immediately. It means it's broken.
Beeping or clicking?

I had a beeping problem with an HD of mine way back, dropped it 2feet and just always beeped when trying to run it. http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=16005
i think i fixed it. it was the cd door. it got bumped, and it was spinning with no cd in there. so i opened and closed it and now theres no more noise...

lol@ obvious solution...
reminds me of when i had a broken wifi connection, due to DNS server address problems, and somehow magically, moving the adaptor fixed it. which made NO SENSE
When in doubt give it a clout...
Assassinator Wrote:If your HDD is clicking...

You really should consider backing everything up, immediately. It means it's broken.


PSPkiller Wrote:When in doubt give it a clout...
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