Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [THEMES & 18 Bootsounds] Made by Digitzzz
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ben3gfc Wrote:NICE WORK, i love Family Guy! :D
thanks so much for this ;)

no problem at all! It wouldnt be right if I didnt make a theme 4 one of the funniest shows on television:intello:

gave you a rep :D
ben3gfc Wrote:gave you a rep :D

Thank u!! :great:
Famliy Guy theme, Yay :mdr:
badass I'm gonna put this in a buddy's psp he loves family guy
Thanks guys, i jus decided how im goin 2 be doin themes from now on so they will look clean
ahh this theme actually looks pretty sweet :great:

i see you took my piece of advice
ahh cleaned up all your themes into one page

and they are all on the first post :great:


Woohooo!! Thanks a lot Shady545!! I was goin 2 ask if someone could put them all in one thread.

Yea, because of the good advice all my themes from now on will be clean and more attractive

If you guys have any SUGGESTIONS on upcoming themes lemme kno because Im kinda stuck.
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