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Full Version: OMG!! Play PSP Games on PC!!!!!!
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Don't mind my random picture.
[Image: riarumario.jpg]
Don't mind my random picture.
QJ.net Wrote:Let's say, for example, that your PSP's screen is broken but you still want to play games with it. What are you going to do? Buy a new one? Maybe in the past that's what wee're going to do but this application has the potential to change all that.

Homebrew developer DeMoN X passed by QJ.Net PSP forums today and released Remotejoy GUI v1. Just like wee said, this application lets users display the PSP screen on the computer making it possible to run games even in full screen.

Basically, the program uses plugins "psplink.prx" and "remotejoy.prx" via the Recovery Menu. Then certain .bat files can be called to view games in a window or full screen, and another for both with FPS display.

DeMoN X said that this is an initial release and as such, you might encounter some problems especially when you have other .prx files running. Also, the coder mentioned that not all games are compatible with Remotejoy GUI so you might have to do some trial and error.

Remotejoy GUI v1 should be used on custom firmware 3.40 OE-A only. You will also be needing Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 with this. The developer thinks that it might run on earlier custom firmwares but they haven't been tested as of yet.

Please take note as well that your PSP will lock up if a game uses a certain call to load files or directories off the memory stick that is incompatible with PSPLink.

- Source: [QJ.net]

WOW, when I get home this is the first thing im trying!!!!!! Enjoy!
seen this or something like it a while ago....

never tryed it but playing game on ya pc cool ....


[beaner2k6 @ work]

pretty badass i like the pic mang :he:
Guest Wrote:[beaner2k6 @ work]

pretty badass i like the pic mang :he:

i like the pic mang .. what...
keeping things random! :great:
chinz Wrote:
Guest Wrote:[beaner2k6 @ work]

pretty badass i like the pic mang :he:

i like the pic mang .. what...

you know how cubans talk "mang/meng" still i like the random pic
I always say mang, should be in the word filter, now that's a good idea
i want to get home already and try this out!
Sounds good. but now can somebody create a cable that will let you use your PSP on a TV?

I'll shall try it... hopefully later..
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