Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I MADE A GAME!
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please change if this is news worthy :)

well not really I just added my own twist to it with some of the city names that I frequent myself in life its a project me and my friends made and I hope you all love itHero

its Pokemon emerald gba with my added twists and improvements

+mew! is available to catch!
+bridges across water to avoid wild Pokemon (some)
-deoxyis sucks anus hole so i took him out and put in mew instead hes on the island just walk on the grass but watch out hes level 999!
+rare pokemon sprinkled obout the game
+new starter pokemon!

[Image: 502215-20090304004802.jpg]

I JUST made it so i am going to try it tonite

if anyone wants to know how I did all this ill be happy to help but for now im going to try it out myself

suggestions are greatly aprishiated thank you! :D

this is a gba rom so you are going to need a gba emulator for your psp ill help you get one if you are clueless :)

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Lol I did this too but never finished my version.
I just tested it and found alot of errors tomorw ill fix it im to tierd at the moment....

lol typed from psp :D
not trying to be funny but distributing ROMs, let alone modified, is copyright infringement isn't it?
Senseito7 Wrote:not trying to be funny but distributing ROMs, let alone modified, is copyright infringement isn't it?

Yeah.   I would just release the resources, and code a ROM patcher, so you don't have to distribute anything illegal..
Yes it is...
think of the penguins!
ProperBritish Wrote:think of the penguins!

so what........ are wee leaving the DL Link there? xD
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