Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
Chaoticgamer Wrote:Hi Betty shall wee mate?

any time if you can stick it in hundreds of miles aaway lol :D
Good to hear from you again. Try to out last it lol
Betty Wrote:
Chaoticgamer Wrote:Hi Betty shall wee mate?

any time if you can stick it in hundreds of miles aaway lol :D

heres your chance chaotic!
Senseito7 Wrote:
Betty Wrote:
Chaoticgamer Wrote:Hi Betty shall wee mate?

any time if you can stick it in hundreds of miles aaway lol :D

heres your chance chaotic!

This I would pay to see. Pull it off chaotic, and you would win at everything forever.

On a related note: Dells are ok, if you are a person who turns it on, does word processing, emails, or light internet work, and turns it off again.
And everyone knows that there are dozens of places to conceal small items on the body. I myself have at least 3, although two are strictly last resort, and a minibook wouldn't really fit, to be honest. (I'm male, if that helps in crossing out places.)

Anywho, good luck with whatever it is you're doing. (Is it millitary camp, or millitary full stop?)
Senseito7 Wrote:
Betty Wrote:
Chaoticgamer Wrote:Hi Betty shall wee mate?

any time if you can stick it in hundreds of miles aaway lol :D

heres your chance chaotic!

Lols hard,
desperate much betty?
Betty Wrote:
Chaoticgamer Wrote:Hi Betty shall wee mate?

any time if you can stick it in hundreds of miles aaway lol :D

SchmilK Wrote:
ChrisHighwind Wrote:What's wrong with Dell? What do people got against Dell!? Erk

Only the top 10 reasons :P

Spoiler for Top 10 reasons to buy a DELL Laptop.....NOT!:
   1. I love trying to figure out if I am a Home Office or a Small Business. What if I am a large business run from my home? Yikes!!
   2. I want to own technology that is at least 6 months out of date...it makes me feel safe. I think the world moves too fast. So I sure don't want my computer to move fast too.
   3. I love a web site that requires seven pages of ordering to see my final price. I have nothing but time on my hands!
   4. I enjoy having to fill out reams of paperwork to get the money I overpaid back in a rebate check.  There is nothing like the feeling you get when you have loaned $200 of your money to a corporate giant for three months  (Interest Free)
   5. Paying so much extra for a laptop helps me to feel as if I have contributed to the economy.
   6. I appreciate how hard I have to look around the DELL site just to see if the laptop has a USB port. DELL must figure that this weeds out the idiots from the rest of us. If I can't figure out were your specifications page is, then I am too dumb to own a DELL laptop to begin with. Keep that page buried, the strong will find it.
   7. I like the fact that my technical support and customer service is redirected to the other side of the world. I like promoting a global economy.
   8. Great idea selling my "on site" warranty service to the lowest bidder in my neighborhood. I think it is very nice you find work for the hardware technicians in my area that are not good enough to find work on their own. In addition, I like having this person in my house seeing all my other great toys. Maybe he can set the clock on my VCR for me.
   9. DELL does not give me a free carry case. Good idea. That is also why I bought a car without rust proofing or bumpers.
  10. I appreciate the fact DELL feels I only need free technical support for one year. Why would I want lifetime free support? You think I am an idiot or something?  If I need help after one year, well then I deserve to pay for it.

lol @ mtech reference.

but... in her case, a dell is better than nothing Hihi
Silvertie Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:
Betty Wrote:
Chaoticgamer Wrote:Hi Betty shall wee mate?

any time if you can stick it in hundreds of miles aaway lol :D

heres your chance chaotic!

This I would pay to see. Pull it off chaotic, and you would win at everything forever.

On a related note: Dells are ok, if you are a person who turns it on, does word processing, emails, or light internet work, and turns it off again.
And everyone knows that there are dozens of places to conceal small items on the body. I myself have at least 3, although two are strictly last resort, and a minibook wouldn't really fit, to be honest. (I'm male, if that helps in crossing out places.)

Anywho, good luck with whatever it is you're doing. (Is it millitary camp, or millitary full stop?)

I know one of these places, but where would your other places be?
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