Endless Paradigm

Full Version: EPCast Radio Ideas?
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Futher to this thread >> http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18880 >> The next step would be... what's going on it?

Heres some suggestions >>
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  • Review - Show describing a new Game or Anime and how it is
  • Latest News - Either PSP specific or Tech-wide News Bulletins
  • Endless Paradigm - Show discussing the latest topics, users and sPa/\/\ in the Void

I suppose you can consider this an application to do a show as well.... feel free to suggest anything.

Lets see if wee can pull this together!
Through what sort of means - ie ShoutCast/IceCast or perhaps just samples posted up with a streaming Flash player?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Through what sort of means - ie ShoutCast/IceCast or perhaps just samples posted up with a streaming Flash player?

Well, I called it EPCast because it would be a Podcast.

Having a live radio show just wouldnt work. Who'd listen to it let alone who would be broadcasting.

I'm not completely sure, but I think you can play back stored content with Shoutcast and the like.
I've never understood the term "Podcast" - what is it exactly?  Just streamed media via Flash?
take it as a RSS bookmark with MP3/video files instead of new posts
I see.  If it doesn't require any special setup I should be able to easily provide space on the server.
What applications play the files?

Anyways, continue with original discussion - sorry for going on a tangent.
i think only iTunes does it, i might be wrong.

and *flameshield on*

i don't think this would go anywhere :-S
Winamp, Mediamonkey, Firefox thru Download, most good players are compatible.

And, of course, the PSP.
Thanks - was just interested in bandwidth usage, ya'know, for us Australians with poo poo connections, mainly when shaped to 64kbps.
I want to be a DJ [/kids voice]

Nah srsly I want to play some musik
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