Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Heroes of Newerth
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Anyone else playing this game?
It's currently in closed beta
I managed to get 4 beta keys last week and gave 1 to my brother and the last 2 to a couple of friends.
I've been playing since and it is DAMN fun. I liked DoTA for a while before but this just OWNS DoTA in every way.

Like the leaver protection system, you can't join certain games if your leave percentage is too high. AND if you somehow get disconnected in a game you get 5 mins to reconnect so you don't end up leaving and ruining the game for everyone. Also the host of each game doesn't host it on their machine anymore, they create it on a server so it runs generally faster and if the host gets disconnected the game continues.

The graphics are pretty damn good and they wanted to make this game because of the difficulties DoTA had with the Warcraft III engine.

I have a feeling open beta will be released soon or in early 2010.
reminds me of WOW
i still have a beta key if anyone is interested

ive registerd but i never played it yet
boogschd Wrote:ive registerd but i never played it yet
You are wasting your beta key.
diego Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:ive registerd but i never played it yet
You are wasting your beta key.

yeah i know :/

but im tooooo busy with work&school ...
little boogie has very little time to play and fark about Sadist
boogschd Wrote:
diego Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:ive registerd but i never played it yet
You are wasting your beta key.

yeah i know :/

but im tooooo busy with work&school ...
little boogie has very little time to play and fark about Sadist
I've been playing nonstop
hello, iam extremely interested to play this game..got tons of friends already playing but i was kinda unlucky with getting a key/invite. Anyone willing to help? my e-mail is d4rksn0w@yahoo.gr
I'd like a key if anyone's got one.
The problem with me making this thread is that it will show up on google searches where people who are too damn desperate will be looking so wee might be getting a couple of posts like this guys.

slasherz21 Wrote:hello, iam extremely interested to play this game..got tons of friends already playing but i was kinda unlucky with getting a key/invite. Anyone willing to help? my e-mail is d4rksn0w@yahoo.gr

Too bad he will never show up here again.


Anyone else want to have fun with him?
diego Wrote:The problem with me making this thread is that it will show up on google searches where people who are too damn desperate will be looking so wee might be getting a couple of posts like this guys.

slasherz21 Wrote:hello, iam extremely interested to play this game..got tons of friends already playing but i was kinda unlucky with getting a key/invite. Anyone willing to help? my e-mail is d4rksn0w@yahoo.gr

Too bad he will never show up here again.


Anyone else want to have fun with him?

are you having fun atm?

oops my bad i think i showed up againAhhyes
yes you are right it IS showing up on google searches and that's why i found this in the first place. but don't worry since i see now how friendly you are i will FOR SURE show up again and try and chat with you. Oh and iam sorry that i want a beta key MORE than having a chat with you my friend.
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