LOl, i know im not too good at this
* YoYoBallz leaves with his head down
has crazy ballz that say "yo" in unison, hence the name yo yo ballz
crazy how like sits in his own spoon jacking off to photos of cat's . . lol sorry mouth love lol
organ needs to feel special (cause of low self esteem caused by "problems" at home) so he likes to spell his username with letters no one can fudgein read
^ ^ That was funny. . . .
@ Crazy Asian
Your azn, nuff said.
He wrote MoseZ trying to write Moses but either he really sucks at spelling which would also explain the capital letter at the end or.. he was just really really bored and had nothing better to do that write it like that because to him it seems cool.
I don't get what were suppose to do ?
here's and example
wth, why it that too short? organ just posted a lol