Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 90° CCW Black Original 5.00 By:DarK_sTyLe
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: 1zwc66t.jpg]
Thanks To:

dark alex for custom firmware
Zinga burga for RCO edit
Highboy for bootsound replacer
blessed hands for dynamic editor
red squirrel for ctf manager
And To Any One Else I Have Missed

Thankkzzz for keeping the scene alive

volume bar
and more!
lol i thought it meant 90° temperature wise

its a lol theme! cause its funny and a theme at the same time Madwin
lol, its pretty clever
DarK_sTyLe - excellent theme !!
I'm starting to become impressed with you as a theme maker.  Frequent, high quality releases    Madwin

Now, if only this where for only 5.50 GEN...

I wonder if it would be possible to turn the clock 90° with rcoMage?
WOW! very original!!
lol..that's pretty old.
My old preview on this theme on(i think) 3.52m33:
[Image: 1e5d674d7a959350.png]
nice theme bro thanks i remember somebody make a theme like this before, but i don't feel rotating my PSP that way lol.
oldskul experiments ..
I remeber now..this was on Qj.net
This theme was concept/releace by Vibestar:
viBesTar Wrote: [ -> ]Tried something...
[Image: screen1lg3.th.png][Image: screen2tl8.th.png]

Help me if you can, tnx...
By the way. I came back to 5.00m33
lol, that's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing :)
Pages: 1 2
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