Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Requesting a Siggy
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Joomla12 Wrote:Lawl, dooz it! You'll all get something...entually. o.o

what's wrong with mine?
*I hate doing this*

The dimensions are a little too large to be a sig, it's just a tad squashed, and the second one's blending is a little off. Other than that, they're great. n.n
well, i don't really want to do much more work on it. ill upload the vectored psd. i expect partial credit!! Hahaha

download link for the psd: removed, 300nukez's is better anyway.
Due to laziness and lack of women I decided to stop and at least take out the annoying background hopefully this will help peopleHero

[Image: 2jfezw5.jpg]
300nukez Wrote:Due to laziness and lack of women I decided to stop and at least take out the annoying background hopefully this will help peopleHero

[Image: 2jfezw5.jpg]

lol, now my psd is useless...

I didn't want to discourage anyone... :p

Meh, thanks for the extraction, I'll try work it into something.

Edit: The alpha isn't transparent. Nanana
then just change the alpha to transparent.
its not that difficult...
In Fireworks it isn't...Meh, this'll be about a 20 min job.... :x

Nevermind, got it easily done with the wand tool....

[Image: s5wkeb.png]
by the way your avvy is SUPER KAWAII

i go AWWWWWWW everytime i see it joomla

Thas why I uses it.
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