Endless Paradigm

Full Version: So if I wanted to play with you
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the only GoldSrc game ive got that's multiplayer is TFC though....i reckon everyone should buy Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, or at least get it. The multiplayer in that is wicked
Xitherun Wrote:I think if wee're gonna play a Steam game, it should be a GoldSrc game, as my computer won't run Source games, lol.

i.e. CS, DOD, etc.

I own the CS Anthology on another account.

I doubt anyone else has the older games though >_>
You can get the Half-Life collection for like $10, there's no reason not to buy it!
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:my username is trademark91 (big surprise)

why don't you have steam lol..

because i never got around to it. plus im usually too  busy to be playing for an extended period of time
I think wee should all stick to CS:S and tell Xitherun to get a better rig xD
lol @Xitherun
If @ everyone.
my laptop plays source games on high lol
my laptop doesn't play spoon on high.
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