Endless Paradigm

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I just found an indian grocery store near (about 20 mins away) from my house. I picked up these for the lounge
[Image: p00301.jpg]

that's fennel and sakar.

you eat a handful of fennel with one sakar cube.

the fennel kinda tastes like strong licorice, and the sakar is sugar, so it all ends up tasting awesome! Enjoy!Madwin
Looks like gerbil food and crack rock  Blur
..................................................................................................................well its not lol
i work with fennel but i have no idea what it tastes like, shows how made i am for my job XD
free food!
interesting, i should try to find this in RL @_@
if i can be botherd
Looks tashteh...
Funnybutrandom Wrote:i work with fennel but i have no idea what it tastes like, shows how made i am for my job XD
it just taste like really strong licorice. and its only good if you either have the sugar coated fennel, or if you put a sugar cube in your mouth while eating it. otherwise, 'tis horrible.
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