Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Fuck me....
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[Image: Fucked+Now.jpg]

Hew tha feck did tis shat!!1?
*hides marker pen* ummmmmmmmmm, well, it wasn't me, that's for sure
Hrmm....I'm getting a camera.
how interesting
yo joomla im really happy for you and im gonna let you finish, but trademark makes the best sPa/\/\ of all time! of all time! just sayin'
i see what you did there
[Image: Halloween-733968.jpg]

totally good use of the toilet role? now to stay like this until Halloween
Sorry i can't spare a square
Its all mine!!
[Image: 3520072305_11e60d16d4.jpg]
Uh...ok, didn't...need to see that.
Quote:Fuck me...
trust me, i don't have anything against you, but i don't really want to.
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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