Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Modern Pro By: DarK_sTyLe 5.00
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[Image: 2im045v.jpg]
Thanks To:

dark alex for custom firmware
Zinga burga for RCO edit
Highboy for bootsound replacer
blessed hands for dynamic editor
red squirrel for ctf manager
And To Any One Else I Have Missed

Thankkzzz for keeping the scene alive

volume bar
and more!
looks fly. kinda resembles the windows media player.
Its a shame wee got a load of brilliant themes coming out for 5.00, and a load more coming out for GEN

Makes it so hard to chooseNana-oNana-oNana-oNana-oNana-o

This one is wonderful, i must say
Another nice theme by dark_style!
I converted for us 5.50gen users! Enjoy!
DarK_sTyLe - awesome theme.  Very slick.  Thanks for the release    Madwin

trademark91 Wrote:kinda resembles the windows media player.

That was my first thought.  (And that is a good thing.  Very slick looking)

mudbone Wrote:Another nice theme by dark_style!
I converted for us 5.50gen users! Enjoy!

WOOT !!   Thanks mudbone.     Yay
mudbone Wrote:Another nice theme by dark_style!
I converted for us 5.50gen users! Enjoy!

YaY! Thanks Bro Hiding_something
I have question about: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18670

Can u make it nice convert to 5.50?Im noob,becuse i have gen only few days..
U will be my hero.. Ahaa
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:
mudbone Wrote:Another nice theme by dark_style!
I converted for us 5.50gen users! Enjoy!

YaY! Thanks Bro Hiding_something
I have question about: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18670

Can u make it nice convert to 5.50?Im noob,becuse i have gen only few days..
U will be my hero.. Ahaa

the ctf tool by patpat does one click conversions from 5.00 to 5.50 ctf!  Only thing you have to fix is the new information board icon...and if it is using 5.50 folder support then just copy those files from an extracted 5.00ctf to extracted 5.50ctf and rebuild.
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:
mudbone Wrote:Another nice theme by dark_style!
I converted for us 5.50gen users! Enjoy!

YaY! Thanks Bro Hiding_something
I have question about: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18670

Can u make it nice convert to 5.50?Im noob,becuse i have gen only few days..
U will be my hero.. Ahaa

done...check the other thread!
SchmilK Wrote:the ctf tool by patpat does one click conversions from 5.00 to 5.50 ctf!  Only thing you have to fix is the new information board icon...and if it is using 5.50 folder support then just copy those files from an extracted 5.00ctf to extracted 5.50ctf and rebuild.
Thanks for info Flatterd
I did not know before about 5.50 supporting on this app.Dowloading now..
SchmilK Wrote:
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:
mudbone Wrote:Another nice theme by dark_style!
I converted for us 5.50gen users! Enjoy!

YaY! Thanks Bro Hiding_something
I have question about: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18670

Can u make it nice convert to 5.50?Im noob,becuse i have gen only few days..
U will be my hero.. Ahaa

the ctf tool by patpat does one click conversions from 5.00 to 5.50 ctf!  Only thing you have to fix is the new information board icon...and if it is using 5.50 folder support then just copy those files from an extracted 5.00ctf to extracted 5.50ctf and rebuild.

to add to what Schmilk said... you also need to replace the old topmenuplugin.rco with a new one from 5.50 or you will not have the info board text(if needed).  so this requires manually copying the text from the original topmenuplugin to the 550 one...that takes a bit of time, and the hardest part of converting themes!  also while you have the new topmenuplugin open make sure you edit the xmenu x location under the page data tab too!!
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