the upstairs has just been respawned by yours truly.
i have to get ready for work, so i needed to get my clothes.
now be good.
or I'll be back..
acutaly it doesn't matter what you do
I'll be back
but its all rickety and shaky, and it feels like its gonna fall apart any second... did u just build this using our fort?
she's a very inexperienced alchemist
ill give it a go, but i need more wood
or wee could just have her buy us a new one, just like tigerfan bought us a new hot tub
i never have any money,
the upstairs exists in my mind.
so if it looks bad, its because i have better things to think about.
so if you become more interesting, it will look awsome!
you dare insult the ep house!!
after you broke it!
ye scalawag! take it back! and make it nice!

it's sooo cold here........ you forgot to respawn the windows and heating.......
*thinks harder*
ok i tired my best, but now it looks like a fantasy castle..if you see random unicorns and rainbows....then stop taking drugs¬¬
now good bye I'm off to work!
since you spawned it, if theres unicorns and rainbows, then wee all know whos taking the drugs...
What kind of mess did I walk into? Geez, there goes my "sit-around-in-the-second floor-and-play-my-new-game-all-day" break. *sighs* Guess I have to sit in the first floor -_-