Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Tie on the doorknob. Now fuck off!!
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luna_wolf Wrote:my pure mind!...is still pure and untarnished..i didnt nee anything haha!

Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:
Goshi Wrote:
ChrisHighwind Wrote:Actually Brain Bleach is technically a rarity around here. I just imported mine. All the way from China, hope they didn't replace it with liquid lead. (No offense to any Chinese people here)

Wee have Chinese members here? O_o

EP is International!

Lol, so Filipinos are not international? :P
ChrisHighwind Wrote:Actually Brain Bleach is technically a rarity around here. I just imported mine. All the way from China, hope they didn't replace it with liquid lead. (No offense to any Chinese people here)
They don't do that. That's not how china rolls. You're thinking of Korea there. Unless putting lead into the mix is part of proceedure, in which case, there may well be lead in it.

To unsee something, it requires:

a) Brain Bleach
b) Shonen Jump Bleach Session (i.e. episodes 1-129 non-stop)
c) Something more mind-melting (i.e. goatse)
d) Drain Bleach (Wee reccommend "DRAIN-O-WHAAAAAurghabhal", number one bleach amongst consumers)
e) Computer tanning (skin bleaching)

Bleach is wonderful.

*looks through doorway that everyyone is clustered around*
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