Endless Paradigm

Full Version: eXceed 3rd -JADE PENETRATE-
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I'm just loving this game so much, the music is of better quality than that used in Touhou games and the character design is amazing. Though I do have one bad thing and that's, I can't run the game full screen without it messing up the graphics. Theres no English patch out, and it's pretty hard to get hold of (the soundtrack is even rarer).

Has anyone heard of this game, do you have it, and can you run it full screen without any graphical errors? Mine when run in full screen somehow disables the transparency of the sprites meaning they have black boxes making it hard to play when heading against a sworm of bullets. It's really a shame because when windowed it tends to eat all my processing power and slows down.

Also could someone translate the config for me?
was I the only person who clicked on this thread because of "PENETRATION"? xD
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:
was I the only person who clicked on this thread because of "PENETRATION"? xD

no, i did too...
trademark91 Wrote:
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:
was I the only person who clicked on this thread because of "PENETRATION"? xD

no, i did too...

to be honest it DOES sound like a H-VN Hihi
Lol whoooops.......should be penetrate....lol soz
well its too late to change it now... i guess well just have to stick with a funny thread title
Razgriz375 Wrote:Has anyone heard of this game

I swear I have, why else would I click on this thread.
I've played this a while ago when it was first release. Its massive size, coupled with the fact its not a very good shmup was pretty bad. I might give it another shot one day but otherwise its about as bad as the previous eXceed games ==;
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