Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Cut the size of your MUSIC folder in half
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OK, I was just looking at my PSP memory stick free space, and was like "Wow, what the hell is taking up so much room?"

Then I noticed that my MUSIC folder has grown to about 4.5 GB from continually adding songs to it.   I decided instead of sacrificing any songs, I encode them to ATRAC3, which is generally the same quality as .mp3, but 1/2 as small.

I'm using SONY SonicStage.    I actually used this program about 5 years ago when the PSP was first released.  But I have long since forgotten about it - Until now   :D

Now just to figure out how I want to spend the new found space on my memory stick.  (I'm anticipating about an extra 2.25 GB)  Maybe I'll put Rock Band back on my memory stick...

Anyone else use ATRAC3?  Or do you guys use .mp3/.wav/.flac/ect...   ??
Well, I don't use the AT3 format, because it doesn't work on most MP3 players (if any). It does use some good compression, though, but the format never really took off. I remember listening to music from GoW: Chains of Olympus in AT3 format, and the quality was still pretty good. I typically use MP3, with the occasional FLAC.
im gonna do this. does light mp3 support AT3?
ATRAC3plus seems to perform alright in comparison to some crappier codecs like MP3 or WMA at 64kbps, however it has serious quality issues at higher bitrates, even at 192kbps.

I use LC-AAC (through Nero AAC) for XMB music - it gives better compression than MP3 in general and doesn't suffer ATRAC's problems.  If you're using LightMP3, I strongly suggest OGG Vorbis - gives way better quality than ATRAC3plus at pretty much any bitrate.
Never personally tried ATRAC3, but according to this listening test thread Zinga made ages ago, LC-AAC is supposed to be better (actually, looking at it again, not really... maybe my memory was wrong...), so I just use that.

Also because SonicStage is crappy, and DRMs your stuff.
I had forgotten about using ATRAC3+ until after I picked up another PSP to get back in the scene and came across one of my old posts some time ago here...

(I think my ears evolved since then. 48Kbps ATRAC3+ sounds horrible compared to 128Kbps mp3!)

...except I'm encoding them to 64Kbps now. 371 tracks at 778MB in ATRAC3+ compared to 1.5GB isn't so bad when it comes to saving space. :D
I remember using this, it was awesome because i only had a 1gig card Erk
couldnt be bothered converting my music

if i really wanted to maximize space . ... i wouldve converted my mp3's to 96kbps something
[DEL] button works well too :X
I just use LightMP3, a 10 MB song goes to 2-3 MB with same quality and volume. I had a 4.5 MB song that was compressed to less than 500 KB, same quality.
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