Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My Latest PC Component :D
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Now with SPECIAL resized and smaller images for Assassinator!

[Image: 2n9m4c8.jpg]
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[Image: 20z5mgz.jpg]
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[Image: img0365u.jpg]

=D =D =D
[Image: drooling_homer_bcLbIGCQbPaE.gif] drooling
trademark91 Wrote:[Image: drooling_homer_bcLbIGCQbPaE.gif] drooling

same...those cpu are SOOOOO damn fast!  In windows you get to watch 8 processor threads bouncing!!
i was almost gonna order a d9f with a i7 processor for my laptop. but i didnt have enough monies. im saving so maybe in like 4 years, ill be able to buy the latest and greatest.
^^ that's what im getting myself for the holidays coming up.. getting a new psp on oct. 1st and after that its a new mobo, processor and ram... i have a new case and all the other parts i need... even a bottle of that silver thermal gunk lol....
take some pics of your rig once its all hooked up!!!
im thinking i might swap out my processor for a i7. ive got to do some research though
youll need a new motherboard, new socket LA1366. I have an ASUS P6T SE, which performed well (better than some 1.5x the price) in benchmarking and gaming benches. im installing 6GB DDR3 Triple Channel XMS3 memory and a Crossfire Card too :D
right now i have a 2.8 ghz core2 duo. do i really need to upgrade to an i7? will it really go much faster?
trademark91 Wrote:right now i have a 2.8 ghz core2 duo. do i really need to upgrade to an i7? will it really go much faster?

IMO if you have a CPU like that I wouldn't worry about it unless you're an enthusiast, and really do make use of CPU power. (And a 2.8 core2 duo is plenty)
that's what i figured. i do use a lot of the cpu, but i honestly don't think its slow...
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