Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My T-Shirt Shop!!!
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i'ed want an ep t-shirt..even though im not on here alot¬¬
but now wee play the waiting game... O_O
how DARE that Method..
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:how DARE that Method..

just...*sniffle*... got us all excited, and *sniffle*... never responded back...

*trademark91 bursts into tears at not being able to spend his entire paycheck on overpriced Endlessparadigm merchandise*
Lol I'm still working on them :P I had college today so I couldn't do anything...
it's all down to you now, you fail to deliver then EP dies, so, ya know, you better deliver
well, i don't know about that...

just make sure you make the fav icon hoody!!
no really, your fav site will fall off the face of the earth
Funnybutrandom Wrote:no really, your fav site will fall off the face of the earth

[Image: 4233333_06e2a8a626.jpg]
fbr never lies @_@
the world is going to end!!
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