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I just got a r4
And finally after hearty-kuns help i got it to work =)
thanks hearty

So i need some good games =D please help me pweease

keep in mine i love anime,
? =3
FullMetal Alchemist game wasn't that bad...it was far from brilliant, but its certainly playable

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is a must, as is, imo Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker, imo

Hotel Dusk,all of the castlevanias, try out the FF:Crystal Chronicles games, if you like them theyre hours of fun. Professor Layton, Nintendogs, which is rubbish but a must have regardless, the Mario 64 i forget the name of, and Mario Cart

Off the top of my head those are all i can think of...i sold mine a few months back, so can't remember all the ones i played
Advanced Wars?
Fire Emblem? «- the GBA ones are really good. I personally don't have a DS so I don't know how good the DS Fire Emblem is.

Well, I like these kind of games (turn based strategy) for these kind of handheld consoles, since they don't really have awesome graphics or processing power, lots of other things, like FPS' as an example, don't work that well.
Disgaea, Final Fantasy IV DS...

Scribblenaughts... (its not yet released but meh.. )
That's another one....Golden Sun DS is due out next year, so keep your eye open for that, should be good
Hmm... there are actually many good DS games out there....
I've been playing scribblenauts for days xD
fun game indeed
disgaea is better on PSP
Advance war is a must though :p
also the Phoenix Wright Series.
and and and and and and and
there's also a code geass game, all japanese :p but it's playable. (two of em, but the 2nd one is a bunch of minigame like Othello and stuffs ) the first one is awesome.
and  bla bla bla bla bla alot more but finish some up first :p
That is why I was starting to despise Piracy on the PC and the PSP... I hardly finished games before others were leaked.... Not the pirates fault.. and entirely mine... but the temptation was too high. Now at least I finish one game entirely before buying another.
7th Dragon

And ignore the added character development in FF III and especially ignore Cid's added character development (it makes no sense and kinda creates a plot hole)

good lengthy games that arent half bad.

600th post :D yayayay
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