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Pokémon is okay but I get bored with it too fast.

Etrian Odyssey 1 and 2 are also good DS games.
feinicks Wrote:That is why I was starting to despise Piracy on the PC and the PSP... I hardly finished games before others were leaked.... Not the pirates fault.. and entirely mine... but the temptation was too high. Now at least I finish one game entirely before buying another.

You can pirate GBA and DS even easier. Small download size + emulation.
sarah likes sushi academy for fun touching experiences
i like the new super mario brothers for classic turtle popping fun
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Dark Spire, Contra 4 and Final Fantasy Tactics A2. Also if you don't mind ports get Chrono Trigger.

Anything else I add will be pretty much what Sparker already said.
There are no good games,. for the nds,.. sorry!

unless you really like a touchable lcd,...
Castlevania. <3
Final Fantasy Tactics: A2, Final Fantasy IV, Heroes of Mana, Broken Sword: Directors Cut, Starfy, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Professor Layton series...

there's quite a few good games on the NDS but I prefer PSP :)

I get my NDS games from here
nicodemus82 Wrote:Final Fantasy Tactics: A2, Final Fantasy IV, Heroes of Mana, Broken Sword: Directors Cut, Starfy, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Professor Layton series...

there's quite a few good games on the NDS but I prefer PSP :)

I get my NDS games from hereb

PSP For the win!!

sorry, but as this is a psp site, i think its kinda warranted...

anyways i played ds a couple of times, i really like super mario 64 for ds.
plus pokemons always good
Gonna have to remove that link, warez arent allowed on the site im afraid :(
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