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New Google Doodle


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only on .co.uk, no .com?



...this is breaking news why? Hmmm
trademark91 Wrote:...this is breaking news why? Hmmm

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Current time: 15/09/2009, 01:02 AM Yo, Senseito URΩBΩROS. Wazzup!!!!!!! Wazzaaaaaaahhh Waaahaaahahhhhhhhaaaaha, aasdfjhasptawasdfasdfToday, 12:35 AMajsdf9-hate-92asdf (User CP (no, CP ≠ Child hershey kisses) — Boob)
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Eight Patapons / Random Chat / Random Insanity / BREAKING NEWSG

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New Google Doodle


nOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! joo did not just copy the e-pizzle!!

Hi, I see you're viewing the source of this page.  It's sooo liek, nerdy, ya know?!
Well, enjoy!  Yool luv the codez.

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Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
trademark91 Wrote:
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!
Trademark91 Wrote:i shall out-post your copy paste!!

lol, looking at that, i just realized that my username doesn't start with a capital letter... Facepalm

I'm not a proper noun!!

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