Endless Paradigm

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nicodemus82 Wrote:gonna be a while before anyone tops this theme that's for sure.

Damn straight!  soooooooo much done here, I am amazed it all fit in the allotted resources!
come on v1 now i have to go back on 5.50 gen its really pissing me off :( if i go on 5.50 gen a i can't use irshell and the new patch doesn't work on 5.50 gen a
just awesome man.if i haven't already said it before ill say it now

your are the best theme developer there is hands down.
WOOT it is released, & of course my internet won't let me download it for some reason ?!?! errrrrrrrrr.....

can't wait to use this theme, looks seexxxxy V1 !!! !!
Sick theme V1

Great job
O.o, i might have a replacement for cloakedivinorium, sorry Schmilk...
latest update|!! and last,. i hope ;p

[Image: hw06d0.jpg]

forgot the visualizer icons "random & "off"
that was fast, thanks
think u deserve a rest now ;)
trademark91 Wrote:O.o, i might have a replacement for cloakedivinorium, sorry Schmilk...

If it were any other theme i would take offense...but en]ven i have to enjoy this one for a while!
Nice one, V1. Keep up the good work.
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