This is my lastest theme release
Thanks To:
dark alex for custom firmware
Zinga burga for RCO edit
Highboy for bootsound replacer
blessed hands for dynamic editor
red squirrel for ctf manager
Microsoft for the icons
And To Any One Else I Have Missed
volume bar
and more!
thankkzzz to mudbone for the convertion to 5.50
looking real good. thanks for sharing
Lol i saw that you used mine icons for the file format.
I even didn't release it yet. :S
Anyway nice theme.
nickxab Wrote:Lol i saw that you used mine icons for the file format.
I even didn't release it yet. :S
Anyway nice icons.
double you tee eff no i didnt those are the original vista icons i took from my computer
nickxab Wrote:Lol i saw that you used mine icons for the file format.
I even didn't release it yet. :S
Anyway nice theme.
yeah thankzzz
I suspect he just means the same icons
Great work Darkstyle..i love it!
I made a 5.50 version for everyone to enjoy, but my upload limit is maxed out here! If you check CS you can grab it from there and upload it here if you like!
PM Zinga
He can add extra upload capacity if its needed for things like themes
i am gonne try and grap the 550gen version! ;)

cool.. nice work! thanks for sharing!! glad to see new people around here!! hope ya stick around!
sadly i cannot use due to broken psp but im getting a go on the first when they come out... *hopes it gets hacked fairly soon because stock XMB is shit