Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I just found out....
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Pages: 1 2
that I don't exist. Literally I don't exist on the HM Revenue & Customs server. They have no record of me.....

Who am I?
You have been disconnected.
I am a clerical error....
Sweet. Now go and evade some tax for me...
Method Wrote:that I don't exist. Literally I don't exist on the HM Revenue & Customs server. They have no record of me.....

Who am I?
∫≈∆߈ß∑¨≈∆å˚∂˜ˆ∑øœˆ∂ßå˚˜∆ƒ≈çµåçøˆ´∑∂¨π´™∑¨ƒ∂∂ßå∆ƒçˆ∑´ˆƒπ¨ç´∑˜çˆπ∑´ˆ˙ß∑˙∂™ª¡™£¢∞§¶•ª∑¨œ˙ˆ∂˜≈Ωµ≤ ≈ç å˜ç¬˙∆∫ß≈å∫˙ßç˙ç≈åß˙∫ç
lol failure,
You can go and commit a crime.

If they come to prosecute you, say that since you don't exist, all charges against you are invalid as something that doesn't exist cannot be expected to commit a crime. Hence, a crime committed by someone who does not exist, did not happen. Similarly, you can't press charges against someone who isn't there!
that's just about the coolest thing ive ever heard
Pages: 1 2
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