More bad new for PSP custom firmware users. Apparently, the upcoming Gran Turismo PSP will require you to have the latest firmware 6.00 installed before playing the game.
According to reports from TheSixthAxis, SCEA has given some lucky websites a voucher code of the game for them to review. The download weighs approximately 937MB and requires the latest PSP firmware 6.00 installed. Now this is not really a surprising move from Sony since most of their latest PSP releases required a mandatory installation of firmware 5.55 that came along with the UMD.
Gran Turismo PSP will be released October 1.
source: QJ
This bad news makes me want to go trade in my PSP for a brick.
OFW Wins! Sony is unstopable right now!
meh, whatever.
don't really like GT.
although there are a lot of awesome games coming out.
wee need a new CFW. D:
im gonna cry
Soooo... SvR 2010 will come with 6.00.
GEN, go ahead and make a damn CFW.
brady4mvp Wrote:GEN, go ahead and make a damn CFW.
Someone, make a damn custom firmware. i don't really care if its GEN. but WEE NEED A CFW!!!
yeah poor on us, i think i might use the trick now for TM loading firmware for 6.00 then for 5.00m33, but yeah someone should create 6.00 cfw to lessen the hassle
and yeah GT for psp is the game that im been waiting for ages, then lol at this news
c'mon team W*ldcard, this is your chance *crosses fingers*