Endless Paradigm

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ZOMG The baby is coming!!  09/13/09
[Image: img1527wy.jpg]

The rictor scale making a flat line is the strenght of contractions.
Goodluck man!!

Vegetano1 Wrote:Goodluck man!!


If it's a boy call it Euan. If it's a girl call it Euan.
Method Wrote:If it's a boy call it Euan. If it's a girl call it Euan.

* S7* hits Euan across the head >_>
Yeah, congrats!  As your reward, be prepared for sleepless nights, lol.

Hope you have fun and enjoy it!
awww that's great news SchmilK
But i disagree with method
you should name it after me if its a girl =D
Lilly Anne is her name ;)  Should be arriving in 4 hours! :O

I think it will be 13:13 central time since 13 is our number...got married on Oct 13th, have known each other for 13 years.  

thanks for the kind words :)  She is feeling great now that the epidural is running through.
SchmilK Wrote:Lilly Anne is her name ;)  Should be arriving in 4 hours! :O

I think it will be 13:13 central time since 13 is our number...got married on Oct 13th, have known each other for 13 years.  

thanks for the kind words :)  She is feeling great now that the epidural is running through.

Uh oohhhh that means you're going to have 13 children haha :P

4 hours!?! Wow that's soon!!!
Good luck man, fatherhood changes everything for the better ;)

Like Zinga said, time for some sleepless nights!  My son just turned one one the 3rd.   It is one of the most amazing things you can experience! Congratulations!!!!
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