One distinct new feature of Windows 7 is its "Superbar".
Now... when I first used it I loved it... and functionality-wise its a great improvement over the older bar,,, but now I'm getting kinda sick of it.
That start menu icon is already feeling old because of its similarity to Vistas, and the bar is WAY too large, much, much too large. And the smaller option is waaaaaaay too small.
Its the simplest design you can think of and that why I utterly can't wait for Windowblinds 7 so I can get something fresh to use.
*sigh* (sevens getting old already..)
i love it, it means i never really have to use the start menu, my main issue is i occasionally open the wrong program but that is more my idiocy.
i have the wb7 beta but there is no themes yet, which sucks
Funnybutrandom Wrote:i have the wb7 beta but there is no themes yet, which sucks

i had to buy it and it's locked to my account, sorry
Funnybutrandom Wrote:i had to buy it and it's locked to my account, sorry
lol Ill have to 'borrow' it from you.
j/k... whenever it does come out ill probably buy a license ^^
I find that I rarely use the task bar. Alt+tab does everything for switching apps. Nothing beats Start » Run for launching apps :P
admittedly ive got a fairly large monitor, but i don't find the large buttons to large at all
On top of which, the way its designed means i don't have to
Win+1-9 for my icons
Win - Type the name of the app, press enter, and 9 time out of 10 it'll work perfectly. the other time, youll have to select from a list, but that's the excpetion and not the rule
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I find that I rarely use the task bar. Alt+tab does everything for switching apps. Nothing beats Start » Run for launching apps :P
+ customizable keyboard shortcut keys :D
roberth Wrote:admittedly ive got a fairly large monitor, but i don't find the large buttons to large at all
On top of which, the way its designed means i don't have to
Win+1-9 for my icons
Win - Type the name of the app, press enter, and 9 time out of 10 it'll work perfectly. the other time, youll have to select from a list, but that's the excpetion and not the rule
are you running 7?
I mean I liked the size of the Vista bar, it was nor-here-nor-there between 7s Big and Small..........
Just tried it in a VM.
What I just found annoying is that you can't use the classic Start Menu anymore... I dislike the XP style menu.
I like the smaller version of the taskbar - about same size as XP's.