Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Smoke 5.00M33 & 5.50GEN
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[Image: 2eocx0k.jpg]

Forgot to thank gendron for the gameboot!! sry!!
:madwin:Hey nice theme im diggin it and smokes cool!
and im glad you used the gameboot -anything i do is yours to use
again nice work mudbone !
dude! its finished!

did you forget to add 12 different wallpapers to 01-12.bmp>?

like the volume bar!! Madwin
hmm, looks smokey!  I will have to download this & give it a try for sure! Madwin
smoke is awesome
thanks guys.
added a UnAnimated version to the first post.  basically a clone of the 5.00M33 version for 5.50Gen! Enjoy!!
Awesome theme here dude.
loving it !!!
Mucho enjoy smoke! Madwin
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