I got bored, and decided to completely redo my website.
I did everything from scratch, using my minimal HTML/CSS knowledge, but I'm very happy with the outcome.
very simple, but I like it. (:
It upholds the crisp simplicity that oh-so-many websites have failed to achieve in this day-and-age of the internet.
With Simplicity can come perfection. Your site certainly isn't perfect, of course, but it certainly uses simplicity nicely.
I like it ^^
Yeah it is nice and simple.
- frames are a bit old school
- white on black can sting the eyes a bit - perhaps make either the background or text a shade of grey?
- perhaps have the main body text (p.derp) a little larger, since it's meant to be read (0.8em should be fine)
- perhaps differentiate your links a bit from the title text
Okay, yeah, I suck at design, so take what you want, lol.
Random fiddling around for 2 minutes in Firebug:
![[Image: 2n6d62q.jpg]](http://i25.tinypic.com/2n6d62q.jpg)
I was not aware that you are tacticalbread......learn something new every day
Thanks Sensei
and thanks for the tips Zinga.
I updated a few things.
and I like what you did with header 3.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:- frames are a bit old school
eh, yeah, but they're all I really know.
is there a newer, simple way to get the effect I want?
roberth Wrote:I was not aware that you are tacticalbread......learn something new every day
lulz yeah. you're the over 9000th person to realize that.

Xitherun Wrote:eh, yeah, but they're all I really know.
is there a newer, simple way to get the effect I want?
Just tables/DIVs typically are used these days...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Just tables/DIVs typically are used these days...
well, I've got a div for the sidebar, but the frame displays a different .html file.
I probably know nothing, but it seems like it'd be redundant to have multiple .html files that all have the 'banner' and sidebar, and only change the content.
Can I have a div or table display an external .html file?
Xitherun Wrote:I probably know nothing, but it seems like it'd be redundant to have multiple .html files that all have the 'banner' and sidebar, and only change the content.
That's typically what is done nowadays. With most websites going dynamic, it's not that difficult either.
The problem with frames:
- navigating to a new page doesn't change the URL in the address bar, so a newbie wants to link someone to a particular page...
- issues with saving pages
- only part of the webpage scrolls (not typical behaviour these days)
- thing breaks if you open a link in a new tab
Xitherun Wrote:Can I have a div or table display an external .html file?
No, only frames can really do that (Javascript or server scripts don't count :P).