I made this for myself the other day, since I have always liked the Metro Goldwyn Mayer Lion as far back as a little kid.
Decided to post it, just in case anyone else wants it.
The C-Intro is 9 seconds long, in high quality. I also boosted the volume of the Lion a little, so it can be heard nice & loud
Hope you folks like

haha, awesomeness.
can you apply C-Intros via plugin nowadays?
this is cool! now my psp games will look like movies when they start!
can it also be applied as a gameboot? sorry if i forgot what's the plugin for the gameboot loader, is autostart plugin apply with game.txt?
krystabegnalie Wrote:can it also be applied as a gameboot? sorry if i forgot what's the plugin for the gameboot loader, is autostart plugin apply with game.txt?
AutoStart plugin is only for C-Intro.
But yeah, you could build this .pmf into a CTF Theme as the gameboot.
But I wouldn't suggest flashing it on a PHAT (PSP 1000) because of room. This .pmf is over 1 mb ;)
yeah, if i remember, ive use a pmf loader that produce random gameboot, but i can't recall the name of the plugin, well anyway ill put it as a c-intro, thanks shizzy, :)
krystabegnalie Wrote:yeah, if i remember, ive use a pmf loader that produce random gameboot, but i can't recall the name of the plugin, well anyway ill put it as a c-intro, thanks shizzy, :)
Ahhh, yes. The plugin you are looking for is called "My Random Gameboot V3" by TotalN00b. I have every plugin ever made - backed up on my PC, so I've attached it to this post for you