Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Roach Infestation
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* lembas summons Knights of the Round, dealing 129,987 damage to each Giant Roach.
* Syfe creates "Sword of Promised Victory" and deals 9999 x3 damage to all enemies.

* all enemies flinch.

Yeah. Burn you roach.
* lembas follows up with a toaster launched from his Rock-It Launcher. It strikes the roach in between the eyes, dealing 105 damage.
*Giant roach is defeated! 116 exp awarded!
*Giant roach uses Kill Rush!
*Giant roach is paralyzed! It cannot move!
*Assassinator steals loot..

Muahahahah... Now I shall give you my parting gift.

*Assassinator uses Full Life on Giant Roach.
*Assassinator uses Aura on Giant Roach.

*Assassinator uses Wind Walk, and disappears from everyone's sight.
* Syfe casts "ETHEREAL BLAST" upon all enemies. and deals 999,999 x20 damage to all enemies.

* all enemies killed

serious that took alot out of me...
* lembas launches a carton of cigarettes at Assassinator.

EDIT: Lolwut?
*Assassinator comes out of nowhere and steals the loot once again.

"Thanks for the help"

*Assassinator uses Wind Walk, and disappears from everyone's sight.
[Image: qrlo5f.png]

Roaches unite!!
* lembas launches a lawn gnome at Assassinator.
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