Endless Paradigm

Full Version: DramaStory (MapleStory Dedi)
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README Wrote:This is the file that will link you to the Drama Story client for the dedicated server. On this server, wee have a 5x drop rate, a 350x EXP rate, and a 200x Meso rate.

There's no need to register. Just make a user name and password and you're done.

This requires MapleStory v6.2 to be installed. You can download it here.

6.2 Client Download

Wee're still looking for more people to get active on it. The first 100 people to join get GM scripts.

DramaStory Client Download
Details please.

I have no idea double you tee eff this is.
maplestory is an MMO sidescrolling.
he's advertising for his private sever.
is your 6.2 stable?
Heartless141 Wrote:maplestory is an MMO sidescrolling.

Massively Multiplayer Online Sidescrolling?

double you tee eff is that!?

the game is not a bad game,
i quit it because of the chocolatety community. & nexon do nothing but cassh item.

joined a few private sever before, but erm.... i don't know ... if more EPeople gonna play, imma try
so a private server would be just us?
private sever mean it's not official sever, someone just get the game client and host his own sever. so they can change the rates, eg exp and money as he stated above lol
Hope this place is still up on Friday. I could get into this.

As long as I don't get in trouble with Nexon for it <_<;
Heartless141 Wrote:private sever mean it's not official sever, someone just get the game client and host his own sever. so they can change the rates, eg exp and money as he stated above lol

and the point is..............?
in the main sever, you have to pay for cash item to makeover your character, otherwise you stuck with the basic looking item, as well as other benefits like x350 exp as he stated above.
in exchange for it, is most likely unstable sever, and bugginess. some sever got rid of those problems though, that's why i was asking if his 6.2 sever stable.
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